Surfing Photos Terms of Use
If you think I may have images of you surfing email me with details like regular or goofy etc... The more details the better.
Below are the terms of usage.
I'm not shooting to make money from my fellow surfer's so personal use is always free.
I don't have tons of images like some of the others shooting because I'm usually surfing during the best times to shoot.
Also, I'm mostly shooting video. Nice 4k at 60fps.
Those will be on my Youtube channel near the end of each season, summer and winter.
Photography is my fulltime business so, my priority is always my paying clients.
If you see me shooting surf photos don't expect to see them posted that day or even the next unless I have nothing else to do.
As any other surf photographer will tell you, its a lot of work editing and posting.
When I shoot I'm trying to capture that one good move. I'm not firing off continuous shots as you ride the wave.
Once I post videos screen grabs can be requested from them. They will be more than enough quality for online posting or small prints.

The terms of free downloads:
By downloading or receiving a digital file by email you automatically agree to these terms.
The files are for personal use only. Posting on social media is allowed but, please leave the watermark in place when doing so.
Instagram allows you to post the full image without cropping.
When posting to Instagram please include a mention to my Instagram account and website.
Commercial use like magazines, advertising, for-profit websites etc...need to contact for licensing.
Larger digital files for making prints for personal use can be had by request.
Or you can order prints from me so they are done at a professional lab.
Prices are given if requested.
When I'm dead someday you can do whatever you want with the photos.